22 February 2010

5 (x2) Before 5: prizes, zombies, and Miss Piggy

Sorry! Too much going on today to narrow the list down to five. Consider the 5 extra headlines a fun Monday surprise. (So exciting, right?) Luckily, it's my blog so I make the rules.

  1. "Read This: Online Marketing 101" (via Beatrice) Additions to Ryan Chapman's list of must-reads.
  2. "LA Times announces 2009 Book Prize finalists" (via Jacket Copy)
  3. "Macmillan to Sell Customizable eTextbooks" (via eBookNewser)
  4. "Be a Part of a People's Tribute to Howard Zinn: Submit Your Own Video" (via Beacon Broadside)
  5. "David Remnick to Publish Barack Obama Biography" (via GalleyCat)
  6. "2009 Nebula Finalists for Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Announced" (via Omnivoracious)
  7. "Kids' Lit: Beyond Paper Books" (via HuffPo...old stuff, but I just got around to reading it today. Worth it!)
  8. "Android Karenina" (via Book Bench) And the zombi-fication continues...
  9. "The Exchange: Julie Klausner on Pauline Kael, Miss Piggy, and the Sexual Revolution" (via Book Bench) 
  10. "Web 2.0 is like a pyramid scheme" (via 10 Block Walk)

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