24 January 2010

Kitchen Project #1: Sunday granola

Generally speaking, I believe Sunday is the best day to make granola. Not only will the end result provide breakfast and snackage for the week(s) to come, the warm, sweet cinnamon notes always allow even the most stressed of job seekers to forget that Monday is looming on the horizon.

Tonight I stirred together a combination of several recipes. SK's pepita granola, Steph Chow's pumpkin ginger granola, and little bits from Mama Doctor's recipe (mother to the one Jill Doctor, former roommate extraordinaire).

Here is my take on an age old snack.

1.) Mix the dry.
In this case: oats, cinnamon, allspice,
cloves, ginger, nutmeg, almonds, and brown sugar.

2.) Add the wet.
In this case: honey, canola oil
a smidgen of maple syrup and a vanilla

3.) Bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes.
Chop up fruit while the oat mixture works.
In this case: figs (look at how beautiful they are!),
apricots, and raisins.

4.) Mix in the fruit. Bake for 10 more minutes.
Allow to cool on a rack for 40 min-1 hour.
Grab a book and leave the room. If not you'll
eat the entire batch in one sitting. I might
be speaking from experience.

Additional ideas:
* Other fruit: dates, dried blueberries, strawberries, etc...
*Other nuts/seeds: walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, cashews
*Add orange juice in with the wet and chocolate chunks at the end.

Happy Sunday to one and all!

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