23 May 2010

A Post-Grad Survival Kit: Blogini Style

I'd like to take a minute to offer up a list of my favorite go-to Gen Y blogs. A little over a year ago I found myself in a strange position. I graduated from a lovely school, in a great city, at which point I was branded with a scarlet "L" (for liberal arts), given a diploma, and sent out into the world sporting a pantsuit and an idealistic smile.

I was a total sucker.

I interviewed with advertising companies. I interviewed in non-profit PR. I interviewed for paralegal positions. Nothing felt right. Thanks to the advice of these bloggers and blogistas, I took a step back and realized what I wanted to do and how I wanted to do it, and although I'm still plugging away at the job search, I am in a really great place and am still excited about the career I'm pursuing. Now just try and wipe that idealistic smile off my face.

Gen Y Blogs:
        •  Life After College: Jenny Blake works in career development at Google and she is far and away one of the most positive people on the interwebs. Her recent post on organizing your life via Google Docs has officially made me the most efficient human being on earth. 
        • Life Without Pants: Now, as a life rule, I automatically subscribe to blogs with the word "pants" in the URL, but this one is really awesome all on its own. Matt Cheuvront pens this alternative look at the world of work. See "Breaking Away From Generation Now." 
        • Lindsey Pollack: A spokesperson for LinkedIn (among a million other things), this lady has quite a way with words--she knows grads, she knows jobs, and she most certainly knows how to put the two together.
        • Marian Librarian: Meeting Marian was my first blogger-to-IRL meet up. Warning: she is just as cool in person as she seems on her blog...possibly cooler. This girl is doing big things with books and social media.
        • Sydney: Unfiltered: Sydney is an assistant account exec with Weber Shandwick and she works in emerging media. (Cool, huh?) She blogs about Gen Y, career newbs, and life (such as it is). I'm a big fat fan of her recent entry on why passion is not limited to entrepreneurship. 
        See also: The Happiness Project, Personal Branding Blog, "100 Blogs That Should Be Required Reading in College," "10 Gen Y Blogs to Read in 2010" (via BNET) and Top 10 College Career Center Blogs.

        Money Blogs:

        Fun fact alert. Thanks to this past year I can now say that I am 100% debt free! Although moving back home and seriously slicing unnecessary spending are responsible for my debtless vida, these blogs offered incredible guidelines and set me up in a major way.
        Hope that helps. I follow dozens of other Gen Y blogs (some are fairly unknown and some are fancypants) but these are, in my opinion, the most helpful and entertaining.

        06 May 2010

        Twitter Media Unveils 'Blackbird Pie'

        Print screen, be gone! If you'd like screen shots of your tweets (for whatever reason) simply paste the URL into Blackbird Pie and Twitter will generate a code for your to paste into wherever you see fit.

        Note: this is a rough test, the image will not work on Tumblr and works best with WordPress.

        05 May 2010

        Smories. More Please!

        This is adorable kiddo is telling us about the time when Allanah’s favourite peppermint pink and blueberry striped sock goes missing.

        Having a bit of a down Wednesday? Click over to Smories and have yourself a story hour. Started by Lisa Swerling and Ralph Lazar, Smories publishes 50 new stories each month. The stories are for kids, read by kids, and personally, I can't think of anything cooler.
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